When it’s Ok to Micromanage

Stoke Consulting - Strategic Business Planning

Micromanagement can be extremely effective in the right circumstances. Especially by a skilled manager. It’s a skillful task that requires an element of coaching and mentoring for a manager to be able to master the skill of micromanagement without building resentment withing the team.

The Anfractuous Path of Self-Development

Stoke Consulting | Executive Coaching | Leadership Development

Self-development isn’t a straightforward journey. Instead, it’s an anfractuous path, full of twists, turns, unexpected detours, occasional setbacks, and surprising opportunities.

It’s not you, it’s me

Stoke Consulting - Executive Coaching | Leadership Development

Both leadership and followership matter. And that in combination is unbeatable. Followership also matters because even the most senior leader is also a follower. They report to someone.