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New Business Model Project Management

Stoke Consulting - New Business Model Project Management | Management Consultants

We were engaged to determine a new business model for an industry-leading provider of information and analysis services. Their annual sales growth since the GFC had been slower than in the early 2000s, causing both profit and cash generation to be below expectations. We determined and assisted in implementing a new business model which turned their performance around.


Our client faced several challenges, including changing market conditions since the GFC, struggling expansion into the Asia Pacific region, domestic market fragmentation, and limited economies of scale compared to global or regional players. We also identified several business process improvements as lacking, leading to poor effectiveness.


Ongoing mentoring programme was commencedOrganisational structure changes initiatedNew position descriptions and job goals created Revitalised performance management process implemented


We helped our client identify and implement several business process improvements, resulting in increased profitability and sales growth. However, we also recognised that the current business scale and model had limitations. As a result, the business owners pursued acquisition by a global player in the same industry, providing an opportunity for the company to access greater economies of scale and expand its operations.